And now Rachael will do the duck dance... Uncle Ammon and Nana hold a finally awake Carter. Aunt Sarah loves Carter. 3 generations of Forbes boys.
March 15, 2007
Pretty in pink! Aunt Rachael, Cousin Kaylee and Aunt Amy. Ben and Brittany. Amy and Chad. Cousin Elijah likes baby Carter. Nana, Aunt Rachael and sleeping Carter.
Carter is surprisingly at ease in the arms of Sean and McKayla..! Snoozin' and again... Carter doesn't mind car rides. Uncle Ben and Grandmother feeding me.
March 14, 2007
Getting sleepy The new family Great-grandparents for the umpteenth time! Babies can tame even the wildest! Cousin Alex was very sweet, singing "I am a Child of God" to Carter all on his own.
Mommy finally gets to hold her little boy. Proud Poppi. Grandpa Forbes, all choked up. Arrgh! Carter doing the pirate face, Mommy with just a swollen, tired face.
Introducing Carter! Getting checked out... Is it over yet? 8 pounds even C-section and I still got a conehead!
March 12, 2007
Aww, what a sweet mommy! What a sweet sister! Keeping my hair out of my face turned out to be a really good thing since I got so sick during the c-section. The soon-to-be parents--well, soon is a relative term when you're in labor Jason all suited up for the OR
Ahh, the epidural effect...
Carter loves to mimic Mommy and Daddy's faces!
Do I know you?
Carter loves to cuddle, if you can get him to wake up!
Of all the Daddy's I could have had, I get this one?
Just hanging out with Dad...
What's Carter looking at? Post your response - best guess gets ten extra credit points!